Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ranting... too tired to write anything useful.

First, two truly horrible things:

One: apparently, there is a push within our federal government for our tax dollars to go to Fox News North. Yep, our money, paying for the Canadian counterpart to a station which is literally the laughing stock of the news world. That sounds fantastic. Really. If I wasn't so pro free speech, I would go so far as to say that Fox News should be banned in Canada. But, since I'm a rampant Capitalist and believer in freedom of expression, I just think that if it does come into Canada, it should have to stand on its own merits (*pft!*), and not be subsidised by our government. The idea that anyone in our government is even considering this during our current economic crisis (and yes, we are still in one; anyone who says different is either lying or pitifully misinformed) is just baffling.

Two: This one is in two parts. 2A, they're apparently planning to do a remake of Back to the Future. I'm sorry, some movies can be remade, and some movies only need to be made once. Back to the Future falls into the latter category. You wouldn't remake Gone with the Wind, you don't need to remake Back to the Future. Iconic '80s movies just need to be left alone. 2B, and this is almost worse than the whole thing with fox news, almost as bad as the oil spill in the gulf, definitely the most hidious thing I've heard this week: they want to cast JUSTIN FUCKING BIEBER in the lead. OK, people, something you need to understand: Michael J. Fox is amazing. He was an icon in the '80s and is a great and very respected actor. Justin Bieber is a twelve year old girl with awful hair. THERE IS NO COMPARISON. So, while we're destroying movies from my childhood, why don't we remake Tim Burton's Batman and cast Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wane and Michael Cera as the Joker. Seriously, it would make as much sense.

Ok, I was going to call this post A Bunch o' Stuff, but I actually only ranted, so I guess I'll have to come up with something else. Peace.

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