Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gimmie a break, gimmie a break, break my off a piece of that KIT-KAT BAR

I've been editing today, and now I feel like taking a break. I'm about 4/5ths of the way through my second editing of one of the characters from Aigaion. It's written in first person from the perspectives of a bunch of characters, so I'm editing one character at a time, so I can stick to one voice. So far, I think it's working pretty well.

I'm having fun with him, because I get to use a thesaurus pretty well constantly, to maintain his weird, old-fashioned, slightly backward way of talking. I love using big, random words that no one has ever heard of and not having it feel unnatural or pretentious, because it fits the story.

This is one of my main characters, and I feel like he needs more page-time, but I don't think he's going to get it. The story could stand to be fleshed out a little bit, but the fleshing out is more in information than events, so it's only going to happen where I can slip it in unnoticed.

Agg, I am SO sleepy. I did get to work out today ♥, so I'm in a fairly good mood.

, I'll get my stuff out of random dude's* barn soon, so I'll actually have summer clothes, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to wear my green sundress to Conor's party. Conor is a friend of my brother's who's lived across the street since before we lived in our house, his party is an anual BBQ that I've attended every year for six years, and my green sundress is one that I've owned since I was 12 and almost fit in again. Just to clear that all up.

I have to go home soon and clean the kitchen, but I'm trying not to let that bum me out. Plus, I'm super damn hungry, but hopefully, I can make/ buy something within the next hour or so.

I think that covers everything. I don't really feel like finishing this editing right now, so I guess I'll leave it for tomorrow (or later tonight?). I have to buy some sort of folder to keep all this stuff straight in.

Damn it; now I want a Kit-Kat

*Random dude is the son of a man who was friends with my grandfather, as well as the neighbourhood dowser and the person everyone in the area went to if they wanted a good deal on kitchen appliances. He was cool. I've never met Random Dude.

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