Sninpo. Sounds like an evil clown.
I'm currently reading Terry Pratchett's
The Truth, which is about news and is very good, and I'll be posting a review of as soon as I've finished it.
I took my dog (who is now lying behind me, looking sad) for an extra-long walk last night, and it was cold so my back was tensed and it still hurts.
I'm working on two new(ish) stories, 200 Pages and one which has yet to be named (currently known as:
The one with the rock in). I think they both have major potential.
I need some money so I can order a new proof copy of Aigaion Girl with the new revisions, but I won't get paid until next week, which means I'm probably looking at well over a month before A/G is available for sale :(
I effing hate my job. I'm going to have to find a new one soon, I think. Basically, I get paid to bother people in the middle of dinner and try to sell them things they don't want. At the moment, I'm consolling myself by taking people off the list when they say they're absolutely not interested (we're supposed to put them on a list to be called back next year) and simply saying "thanks for your time" when people tell me they're too busy to talk to me. As a result, I'm not doing anywhere near as well as my co-workers, but then, I can look at myself in the mirror every day without wanting to throw up, so there you go. Apparently, next month, we're going to start working 6 days a week. Yeah, I think not.
I'm starving, but since the wonderful spontaneous lactose intolerance began, I've had the number of things that I can eat radically cut back, and there's pretty close to nothing in the house that I can actually eat right now without getting sick (Did anyone know that KD uses
real cheese? I certainly didn't). Well, I think there might be some beef broth, but I'm not sure if that counts.
I think that wraps up this post. I've got some stuff to type out for the notes on the story with the rock in, and then I'm going to go to the store and see if I can't find something edible.
Also, I need to check if I still have an English Grammar and Usage Book. I know mine went missing, but I can't remember if I replaced it...