Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I'm really sick, so this may not be entirely coherent. My temperature has been rising steadily all day, which, oddly enough, puts it at the high end of average (I guess I was cold this morning?) and for some reason, that makes it hard to think. Also, I have the worst sore throat of forever, so I called in sick to work. Telemarketing with no voice isn't exactly a walk in the park.

Sometime when I feel less like ass, I'm going to review a couple of things. To Catch A Thief being one, The Bridges of Madison County being another and Safe House being yet another. I also have some Pratchett in there I want to talk about and a book I want to add to my 2009 reading list, but I can't recall the name of either right now.

Today, if I wasn't sick, would be like a dream day of laziness. I slept in until 1:00, watched a movie, called in sick to work, went back to bed until 8:00, sent my brother to the store for treats and then watched another movie. Unfortunately, my head hurts and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

There we go, an update in the life of Athena McCormick, for your reading pleasure... or at least your mild, fleeting interest ;p

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