Monday, February 2, 2009

Beware the Savage Jaw

Welcome to my very first book review of 2009. Today I will be reviewing the first 10 pages (or 35%) of George Orwell's 1984 Adapted for Children by Kade Johnston.

First, I would like to say that I am utterly astounded - and I mean that honestly. I have never read anything like this. I'm somewhat ambivalent on the question of whether or not I want to read anything like this again, because on the one hand, it provided me with a good deal of entertainment, and on the other, there is something to be said for the uniqueness of the experience of reading (even part of) this book.

I guess I can't really call this a book review, because I honestly cannot find the words to say everything I want to about this book. Instead, I'm going to post my favourite chapters (clicking on them should make them big enough to read) and let you all read it for yourselves. Trust me, it will make your head spin.

Really, you have to marvel at the sheer gutsiness of adapting a book like 1984 for children. It's just such an unusual concept. I wonder if, based on how well 1984 turned out, the author will adapt any other books for kids. The Handmaid's Tale, for example, or Who Has Seen the Wind. You could do a whole series.

(I love that Johnston includes little explanatory aids, like pyramid charts.)

I think chapter six is my favourite, but explaining why is far beyond my capabilities. I've included it, so you can read it (and love it) for yourselves.

I wish I could say more, but, again, I'm at a loss for words. I hope you have enjoyed my review of George Orwell's 1984 Adapted for Children as thoroughly as I enjoyed reading what I could of the book itself.

PS, V:18 H:20

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