I hate Valentine's Day. Not just because it was designed by Hallmark as a deliberate cash-grab, but more because people actually fall for it.
Basically, if you're not single on Valentine's Day, you're supposed to make sure that that special someone gets as fat and unhealthy as possible - or buy him/her jewelry. If (God forbid!) you are single on Valentine's Day, you're supposed to sit at home alone and be miserable.
Actually, until a few minutes ago, I had completely forgotten that today was Valentine's Day. I was far more interested in yesterday being Friday the 13th, and spent absolutely none of today feeling sorry for myself because I'm single. Actually, I'm kind of glad to be single right now; the land of men has been a vastly disappointing one of late. It's kind of pathetic.
(somewhat off topic)
Also, it has been brought to my attention that my blog needs still more tweaking. Apparently, for people with certain resolutions, my background gets tiled. I knew this was the case, but thought I had made the image wide enough that that wouldn't matter, regardless of resolution settings. I know how to fix it, but sadly, neither my touch pad nor my mouse are good enough to do proper graphic design work with, which means I'll have to go into my mum's office to fix it. At least I finally got rid of those horrid blue boxes that kept showing up around the edges of my images.
Anyway, today actually wasn't a bad day, as random Saturdays go. I got nominated for an award on FictionPress, posted another chapter of Aigaion Girl, wrote a bit and watched Criminal Minds with my family. Now I'm going to have some hot chocolate and probably turn in for the night. Mmm, mm, sleep.
I'm tacking this on to the bottom of this post because I think posting on your blog more than twice a day is unhealthy. Actually, I just like the way the heart picture looks with my flowers, so I want it to stay there another day.
Anywho, I decided to check my traffic on FictionPress, and was extremely glad to find a spike. Go me.If it's a little unclear, the graph goes in date order right to left, so the far left is today.
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